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Resume Creation

Step 1 - Getting Started

Download the document “Resume Template”, or create your own if you are feeling fancy.

Step 2 - Contact Info

Fill in your name, phone number and email at the top.  You may need to change the formatting to make your name stand out.

Step 3 - Work Experience

Skip down to “Work Experience”. Here you will fill in your job position title, the company name, and location of the job for each job you have worked in the last 10 years or so. Start with the most recent job. On the right side put the dates that you worked the job. Here is an example.

Job Skills Training Program Participant City of Eureka, Eureka, CA                              July, 2023 - Present

Make sure to pay attention to the formatting to make the different parts stand out. The job title is bolded, and the company name is italicized. You can change the formatting to what you like best, but make sure it is clear to the employer what your job was, and the company. The job dates should be aligned with the right page margin. You can use “tab”, “backspace”, and the space bar to achieve this.

Next, list out your job duties. It may be helpful to search google images for examples of resumes that relate to your position. Go to, and search for “_____________ resume example”. Click on images. DO

                                                                                 Job position

NOT use these examples word for word in your resume as that is considered plagiarism, you will need to change the wording to reflect your own experience.

When listing out duties, make sure to keep the tense consistent. In this example, everything is listed in past tense.  Also be sure not to use “I”, “me”, or “my”.

  • Volunteered for the City of Eureka, completing various City beautification projects including (add from list below)

  • Worked closely and collaboratively with up to 10 team members to execute various physically taxing and/or culturally sensitive jobs, while adhering to strict safety protocol. 

  • Participated weekly in employment development workshops and supplemental trainings including (add from list below) 

  • Maintained professional communication with co-workers and staff while upholding a solution-focused, positive attitude.

List of Possible Projects/Tasks:

  • Indoor painting

  • Use of a string trimmer for landscaping and weed abatement

  • Removal of litter, in an effort to prevent contamination of our ecosystems and waterways

  • Ensuring cleanliness of City trash and recycling bins

  • Cleaning of stormwater drains

  • Worked collaboratively with the Eureka Police Departments CSET to target areas within the City of Eureka in need of maintenance and/or care, including large encampment clean-ups. 

  • Graffiti removal

  • Collected CRV glass to be recycled

  • Sorted recycling

  • Used gardening hand tools to water, plant, transplant and weed planter beds.

List of Possible Trainings:

  • PPE and Limiting Exposures

  • Sexual Harassment and Workplace Etiquette

  • Painting Safety 101

  • Painting Safety 102

  • Food Handler Safety 1

  • Food Handler Safety 2

  • Basic Computer Skills

  • General Landscaping and Equipment

Step 4 - Volunteer Experience

If you have any volunteer experience, you can fill it out in the same formatting as for the “Work Experience” section. If you don’t have any volunteer experience, delete this entire section on your resume.

Step 5 - Education

If you have a high school diploma, G.E.D., or any higher education or trades education you can list it here by replacing each section with your information. If you don’t have any higher education, delete the college section.

Step 6 - Certifications and Licenses

If you have any certifications or licenses, list them here. It’s a good idea to list the year you obtained the certification if it is recent. Make sure not to list any certifications that are now expired. Some examples of certifications are:

  • CPR and first aid certification

  • OSHA certification

  • ServSafe certification

  • Driver’s License

Step 7 - Skills

Here is where you can put skills that show your employer what you can bring to the table outside of your job experience. You may have hard skills, which are technical knowledge or training you have gained through any life experience. There are also soft skills, personal habits and traits that shape how you work. It is good to list 4-6 skills, but you may need more or less depending on how long your resume is so far. Here are some examples of both types of skills:

Soft Skills

  • Communication skills

  • Listening skills

  • Punctual

  • Organization

  • Teamwork

  • Ability to “read a room”

  • Flexibility

  • Patience

  • Time management

  • Multitasking

  • Attention to detail

  • Responsibility

  • Strategic thinking

  • Problem solving

  • Good decision making

  • Conflict resolution

  • Cultural awareness and sensitivity

Hard Skills

  • Bilingual or multilingual

  • Machine operation

  • Social media skills

  • Computer programs (Microsoft office, Excel)

  • Statistical analysis

  • Math skills

  • Writing skills

  • Sales

Step 8 - Summary of Qualifications / Objectives

Now that you have listed out all of your past experience, education, certifications and skills, it will help you to give a summary of your experience.  A summary of qualifications summarizes your most important qualifications and accomplishments to give employers a basic idea of who you are. An objective also has a summary of your experience, but explains your career intent. You can choose what is best for your resume. Here are some examples of both:

Summary of Qualifications:

Over 20 years of experience providing customer service with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Highly proficient with a variety of POS systems and managing various financial transactions.


Over 20 years of experience providing customer service with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Looking for a productive career with an organization where I can apply and expand my skillset and grow with the company.


Step 9 - Formatting

One of the most important aspects of a resume is not the content, but the formatting. Employers want to be able to quickly see what you bring to the table, without getting bogged down by a small font or other formatting errors that make the resume hard to read. It is best to fit your resume onto one page, which may mean adding or deleting skills, deleting older jobs from over 10 years ago, or adding on more duties to your listed jobs. You may also need to change the spacing of each line by clicking this icon under Home in the paragraph section . Try not to make the font smaller than 11 as it can make it harder to read.

Step 10 - Proof Reading

One of the best ways to make sure your resume looks good is to have someone else look it over. It's easy to get bogged down by all the details and miss something important that someone else may spot easily. Have a friend or an Uplift staff member look over your resume.

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